
Call for Nominations

World Bank Administrative Tribunal: Nominations for Membership

The World Bank is seeking nominations for membership in the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. The Tribunal is an independent body which hears and passes judgment on cases in which staff members of the Bank Group allege non-observance of their contracts of employment or terms of appointment. The members of the Tribunal, who work intermittently as the Tribunal’s case load demands, are appointed for a term of five years (renewable once).

Article IV, paragraph 1 of the Statute of the Tribunal provides that the members of the

Tribunal, who must be nationals of the Member States of the Bank, “shall be persons of high moral character and must possess the qualifications required for appointment to high judicial office or be jurisconsults of recognized competence in relevant fields such as employment relations, international civil service and international organization administration.” Current and former staff of the Bank Group shall not be eligible to serve as members of the Tribunal and members may not be employed by the Bank Group following their service on the Tribunal.

Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Statute provides that the members of the Tribunal shall be appointed by the Executive Directors of the Bank from a list of candidates nominated by the President of the Bank after appropriate consultation. For this purpose, the President has appointed an advisory committee composed of four members with relevant experience.

The current members of the Tribunal are: Mr. Stephen M. Schwebel (United States), Ms. Mónica Pinto (Argentina), Mr. Ahmed El-Kosheri (Egypt), Mr. Andrew Burgess (Barbados), Mr. Abdul Koroma (Sierra Leone), Ms. Mahnoush Arsanjani (Iran) and Ms. Marielle Cohen-Branche (France). The term of office of Judge Schwebel is coming to an end and this vacancy seeks nominations for his replacement.

Article IV of the Statute states that “the Tribunal shall be composed of seven members, all of whom shall be nationals of Member States of the Bank, but no two of whom shall be nationals of the same State.”

Nominations (including profiles/CVs) of qualified persons should be sent by e-mail to the Chair, Advisory Committee on the Appointment of Judges, at tribunal@worldbank.org by 31 July 2017. Qualified persons who wish to be considered are also invited to submit their own profiles/CVs.

For further information:

Zakir Hafez, Acting Executive Secretary




Useful information for applicants and potential applicants about the Tribunal and its procedures.

View the FAQ

Applications filed with the Tribunal must comply with the requirements of Rule 7 and Annex 1 of the Tribunal's Rules. Applicants may use the form below to complete and submit their applications.

Guide to Completing the Application Form
Application Form

1800 G Street, NW 
Mail Stop U 11-1101 
Washington, DC 20006 

TEL: (202) 458-0271 
FAX: (202) 522-3581 
EMAIL: Tribunal@worldbank.org

Staff based in country offices may reverse the telephone charges, or may provide a number where they may be reached.