
The Bench: Newsletter of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal - Issue No.9

The Tribunal Secretariat is pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of its e-newsletter: The Bench.

The e-newsletter is part of the Secretariat’s continuous efforts in knowledge sharing and outreach.

Highlights of the issue include (1) a note on welcoming the three new Judges of the Tribunal; (2) articles describing cases involving batch rotation and transparency in staffing decisions, mobility premium benefits, and the Bank’s duty of care to staff; (3) a summary of other recent judgments; and (4) information regarding events relating to the Tribunal.

Click here to read the September 2024 Edition of The Bench.

Useful information for applicants and potential applicants about the Tribunal and its procedures.

View the FAQ

Applications filed with the Tribunal must comply with the requirements of Rule 7 and Annex 1 of the Tribunal's Rules. Applicants may use the form below to complete and submit their applications.

Guide to Completing the Application Form
Application Form

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Washington, DC 20006 

TEL: (202) 458-0271 
FAX: (202) 522-3581 
EMAIL: Tribunal@worldbank.org

Staff based in country offices may reverse the telephone charges, or may provide a number where they may be reached.