
Search for Administrative Tribunal Members

The World Bank Group is seeking applications and nominations for membership in the World Bank Administrative Tribunal.

Service on the Administrative Tribunal is governed by the Administrative Tribunal Statute. Members shall be appointed by the Executive Directors for a five-year term, renewable for one additional term. The Tribunal typically convenes for sessions twice per year and the work between sessions is intermittent, based on caseload.

An Advisory Committee has been convened which consists of Sandie Okoro (Chair), Daniel Sellen, Nena Stoiljkovic and Professor Jan Paulsson, a former member and President of the Administrative Tribunal. The Committee is expected to present names of qualified candidates for consideration in early 2019.

Qualified candidates should apply here by January 18, 2019. Nominations and referrals, including profiles/CVs, may also be sent to AdminTribJudge@worldbank.org.

Please note that current and former staff (including consultants) of the Bank Group shall not be eligible to serve as members of the Tribunal and members may not be employed by the Bank Group following their service on the Tribunal.

Useful information for applicants and potential applicants about the Tribunal and its procedures.

View the FAQ

Applications filed with the Tribunal must comply with the requirements of Rule 7 and Annex 1 of the Tribunal's Rules. Applicants may use the form below to complete and submit their applications.

Guide to Completing the Application Form
Application Form

1800 G Street, NW 
Mail Stop U 11-1101 
Washington, DC 20006 

TEL: (202) 458-0271 
FAX: (202) 522-3581 
EMAIL: Tribunal@worldbank.org

Staff based in country offices may reverse the telephone charges, or may provide a number where they may be reached.