
Submission of Tribunal Filings During Home-Based Work

Effective 13 March 2020, the Tribunal Secretariat staff will adhere to the home-based work advisory as announced by the World Bank Group. Until further notice, parties are encouraged to submit their filings via email to tribunal@worldbank.org. Unless specifically permitted otherwise, electronic filings must be submitted in pdf file format.

Until further notice, hard copies of filings will not be accepted. Should a party wish to submit a filing in hard copy only, that party must make specific arrangements with the Tribunal Secretariat.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding how to submit a filing please email the Tribunal Secretariat at tribunal@worldbank.org.

Useful information for applicants and potential applicants about the Tribunal and its procedures.

View the FAQ

Applications filed with the Tribunal must comply with the requirements of Rule 7 and Annex 1 of the Tribunal's Rules. Applicants may use the form below to complete and submit their applications.

Guide to Completing the Application Form
Application Form

1800 G Street, NW 
Mail Stop U 11-1101 
Washington, DC 20006 

TEL: (202) 458-0271 
FAX: (202) 522-3581 
EMAIL: Tribunal@worldbank.org

Staff based in country offices may reverse the telephone charges, or may provide a number where they may be reached.