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Gonzalez Flavell (Nos. 11 and 12) v. IBRD
Number: 617Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the alleged denial of the “full internal job search assistance to which she was entitled under her contract of employment prior to its termination in December 2017; [and the] failure to comply with the job search assistance obligations stipulated under the terms of the Applicant’s Notice of Redundancy dated 1st July 2015.” The Applicant also challenges the alleged denial of “the full external outplacement counselling services to which she was entitled under her contract of employment prior to its termination in December 2017; [and the Bank’s] decision, by its [Human Resources (HR)] department, to refuse and/or ignore the Applicant’s request for travel to Mexico City for purposes of job search and instead to provide only financial compensation after her termination.”

Gonzalez Flavell (Nos. 5 and 7) v. IBRD (Merits)
Number: 616Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

In Application No. 5, the Applicant contested the decision of the Vice President of Human Resources (HRVP) to accept the Peer Review Services (PRS) recommendation to partially uphold Request for Review No. 393, specifically with regard to the use of her annual leave without her consent while she was on Short Term Disability (STD).

In Application No. 7, the Applicant challenged (i) the decision of the HRVP to accept the PRS recommendation to partially uphold Request for Review No. 386 and (ii) the Bank’s alleged failure to provide the Applicant with “a full and/or proper explanation” of the mistakes made in the calculation of her education benefits while she was on STD and “a justification and reconciliation of amounts repaid to correct its errors of deductions due to supposed ‘over-payment.’” 

Number: 615Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant claims that (i) “she was subjected to sexual harassment in violation of Bank policies”; (ii) the investigation by the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) was neither fair nor impartial; and (iii) her contract was terminated in retaliation for opposing her Supervisor’s sexual advances and she was not given “proper notice” about the reason for the termination.

Andriamilamina (No. 2) v. IFC
Number: 614Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) her Fiscal Year 2017 performance evaluation; and (ii) the IFC’s failure in its obligation to act fairly in the management of her career.

FB v. IBRD (Merits)
Number: 613Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant is contesting (i) the Bank’s ongoing failure to attribute the Applicant as a co-author and co-editor of a Bank publication; (ii) the Bank’s decision to remove the Applicant’s work program without notice in July 2018; and (iii) the Bank’s decision not to renew the Applicant’s Short Term Consultant (STC) contract for a period of one year.

Number: 612Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the decision of the Vice President, Human Resources (HRVP or HRSVP) that he committed misconduct by failing to resolve a de facto conflict of interest arising from a sexual relationship and abusing his authority; (ii) the imposition of disciplinary sanctions; and (iii) the breach of his confidential information regarding the disciplinary sanctions imposed.

OrderDate: Judgment/Order


OrderDate: Judgment/Order


OrderDate: Judgment/Order

This Application raises matters that have been previously addressed by the Tribunal in DZ (Merits), to which the Applicant was an intervenor. The Application is dismissed.

Gonzalez Flavell (No. 13) v. IBRD
Number: 611Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

Invoking Article XIII of the Tribunal’s Statute, the Applicant seeks revision of González Flavell, Decision No. 553 [2017].

Gonzalez Flavell (No. 10) v. IBRD
Number: 610Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges: (i) the Administrative Review Panel’s (ARP) consolidation of two appeals into one appeal; (ii) the ARP’s “[f]ailure to consider the basis and matter appealed of ‘Appeal Against determination made on June 7, 2017 and letter of June 7, [2017]’”; (iii) the ARP’s “[f]ailure to consider basis and matter appealed (THE ‘SECOND APPEAL’[)]”; and (iv) the matters raised in the ARP Appeals.

FB v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 609Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the Bank’s alleged failure to attribute the Applicant as a co- author and co-editor of a Bank publication titled Strengthening Post-Ebola Health Systems: From Response to Resilience in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone; (ii) the Bank’s decision to remove the Applicant’s work program without notice in July 2018; and (iii) the Bank’s decision not to renew the Applicant’s Short Term Consultant (STC) contract for a period of one year.

Kobli (No. 2) v. IBRD
Number: 608Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant seeks a revision of the Tribunal’s judgment in Kobli (Preliminary Objection), Decision No. 588 [2018].

Tange v. IBRD
Number: 607Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the decision not to relocate him to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, which resulted in his being denied a contract extension for a total of three years and additional compensation and benefits corresponding to the relocation, and (ii) the nonrenewal of his appointment.

ER (No. 2) v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 606Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant appears to have made five claims in this Application: (i) the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) should not have closed its investigation into the budget matter raised by the Applicant; (ii) the claims raised by the Applicant were part of his Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) work program; (iii) the Bank violated the International Financial Institutions Act; (iv) the Applicant has been treated unfairly in reporting what he believes to be misconduct by Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) management; and (v) in his Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) performance evaluation, the Applicant’s line managers told the Applicant that he gets “distracted.”

Gonzalez Flavell (No. 8) v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 605Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the dismissal by Peer Review Services (PRS) of Request for Review No. 409; and (ii) the Bank’s alleged failure to “afford the Applicant her right to an Overall Performance Evaluation [OPE] after she returned from Short Term Disability [STD] leave in 2017.”

Gonzalez-Flavell (Nos. 6 and 9) v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 604Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the dismissal by Peer Review Services (PRS) of Requests for Review Nos. 401 and 410; (ii) the Bank’s alleged failure to “provid[e] a six-month period of job search under the Notice of Redundancy”; (iii) her manager’s refusal to attend mediation; (iv) the “wrongful detention of [her] personal belongings and possessions”; and (v) “misleading statements as to personal job assistance.”

Gonzalez Flavell (Nos. 5 and 7) v. IBRD
Number: 603Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

In Application No. 5, the Applicant challenges the decision by the Peer Review Services (PRS) to partially uphold Request for Review No. 393. In Application No. 7, the Applicant challenges (i) the decision by PRS to partially uphold Request for Review No. 386 and (ii) the alleged failure to provide the Applicant with “a full and/or proper explanation” of the mistakes made in the calculation of her education benefits while she was on Short Term Disability (STD) and “a justification and reconciliation of amounts repaid to correct errors of deductions due to supposed ‘over-payment.’”

Number: 602Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the nonrenewal of his appointment.

Number: 601Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the decision of the Chief of Staff, Office of the President that she committed misconduct by engaging in a physical altercation with a contractor; and (ii) the imposition of disciplinary sanctions in the form of demotion from grade level GC to GB with a change in title, and ineligibility for promotion for a period of three years.