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Number: 600Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the Bank’s decision to make her employment redundant; (ii) the Bank’s alleged retaliatory actions and hostile work environment; (iii) the Bank’s alleged breach of the 2016 Mediation Agreement and the “informal” agreements that resulted from the 2013 and 2015 mediations; (iv) the release clause in the 2016 Mediation Agreement; and (v) the Bank’s alleged discriminatory actions.

Number: 599Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the non-confirmation of his appointment.

DZ (No. 2) v. IBRD (Merits)
Number: 598Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the (i) 7 November 2016 decision of the Vice President, Human Resources (HRVP) that she is ineligible for Retiree Medical Insurance Plan 1 (RMIP-1) benefits; (ii) 28 December 2016 changes to Staff Rule 6.12 that were retroactively made effective to September 2000; (iii) Bank’s failure to inform staff of changes to the 1998 and 2000 versions of Staff Rule 6.12; and (iv) decisions of internal investigative units, the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) and the Integrity Vice Presidency (INT), as well as the Internal Justice Services (IJS) Coordinator and the Managing Director and World Bank Group Chief Administrative Officer (MDCAO), not to investigate, review, or take other steps necessary to address her allegations of manipulation, interference, and bias in Peer Review Services (PRS) Request for Review No. 338, and subsequent amendments to Staff Rule 6.12.

OrderDate: Judgment/Order

In a letter to the Tribunal dated 27 March 2019, the Bank requested that the Application be considered withdrawn because, under the terms of the Agreement, the Applicant had agreed to withdraw his case.  On 23 April 2019, the Tribunal received a letter from the Applicant confirming his desire to withdraw the Application from the Tribunal.  On the basis of the settlement of the claims between the Bank and the Applicant, the Tribunal deems it appropriate to dismiss this case.

Gonzalez Flavell (No. 4) v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 597Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges (i) the “decision communicated by email on 7th June 2017 to activate a hitherto suspended notice of redundancy, (ii) [t]he IBRD’s failure thereafter to rescind and withdraw that notice, [and] (iii) [t]he IBRD’s termination of the Applicant’s employment in December 2017 pursuant to the activation of the suspended notice.”

EV v. IFC (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 596Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the non-confirmation of his appointment effective 13 September 2017.

EQ v. IFC (Merits)
Number: 595Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the reassignment of two IFC clients and their removal from her work program for Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16); her FY16 Performance Evaluation; her performance cycle for Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17); and the alleged mismanagement of her career by the IFC.

D'Costa v. IBRD
Number: 594Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant is contesting (i) the Bank’s refusal to pay her an Expiration Payment; (ii) the Bank’s failure to provide accurate information regarding the Applicant’s ending employment benefits; and (iii) the Bank’s failure to respond to her numerous requests and calls for clarification regarding her ending employment benefits.

Number: 593Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the following decisions: (i) the performance rating of 3 for Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16); (ii) the revocation of trading authorization; (iii) the removal as Team Leader; (iv) the public announcements of the Applicant’s reassignment due to failure to follow procedures in a trading transaction and refusal to provide information about the transaction; (v) the reassignment to “special projects” under the Director of a Department (Director); (vi) placement on leave; (vii) the restriction of access to the Bank during the leave and the failure to provide notice of or justification for this restriction; (viii) the relocation of the Applicant’s work station away from others in the Department; and (ix) the restriction of access to the Bank outside of work hours, after the Applicant’s return from leave, and the failure to provide notice of or justification for this restriction.

Number: 592Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the following decisions: (i) his non-selection for a Country Manager (CM) position due to discrimination; and (ii) his non-selection for four Lead Financial Sector Specialist positions due to retaliation.

DK (No. 2) v. IBRD
Number: 591Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant is contesting (i) the termination of her Short Term Consultant (STC) appointment with the Transport and ICT Global Practice on 15 September 2015; (ii) the decision to restrict her access to the Bank’s premises; and (iii) the decision to place a conditional hire flag in her personnel file.

DZ (No. 2) v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 590Date: Judgment/Order

The Applicant challenges the: (i) 7 November 2016 decision of the Vice President, Human Resources (HRVP) that she is ineligible for Retiree Medical Insurance Plan 1 (RMIP-1) benefits; (ii) 28 December 2016 changes to Staff Rule 6.12 that were retroactively made effective to September 2000; (iii) Bank’s failure to inform staff of changes to the 1998 and 2000 versions of Staff Rule 6.12; and (iv) decisions of internal investigative units, the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) and the Integrity Vice Presidency (INT), as well as key Internal Justice Services (IJS) oversight functions, the IJS Coordinator and the Managing Director and World Bank Group Chief Administrative Officer (MDCAO), to decline investigation, to review, or to take other steps necessary to address her allegations of manipulation, interference, and bias in Peer Review Services (PRS) Request for Review No. 338, and subsequent amendments to Staff Rule 6.12.

DZ v. IBRD (Merits)
Number: 589Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the 2015 Notice from Pension Administration, “applying the amendments to the [Staff Retirement Plan] SRP and Supplemental Staff Retirement Plan (SSRP) effective January 1, 2015 to [the Applicant], notifying her of her calculated individualized shortfall of $278,542.57, as calculated pursuant to those amendments, and informing her of options under those amendments for contributing the identified amount.”

OrderDate: Judgment/Order

Application dismissed.

Kobli v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 588Date: Judgment/Order

The Applicant claims that his ejection from Bank premises on 13 August 2014 violated various Staff Rules of the Bank.

BI (Nos. 6 and 7) v. IFC (Merits)
Number: 587Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the IFC’s decisions to (i) terminate her employment for unsatisfactory performance; (ii) place her on administrative leave; and (iii) impose restrictions on her access to Bank Group premises.

ER v. IBRD (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 586Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct’s (EBC) decision to close its investigation into the budgeting matters raised by the Applicant. The Applicant also seeks classification as a whistleblower under Staff Rule 8.02.

Moss v. IBRD (Merits)
Number: 585Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the following: (i) denial of her request for Compensatory Leave; (ii) failure to follow proper procedures regarding her forced reassignment; (iii) that her new job description of Office Manager is not in line with the Bank’s guidelines; and (iv) irregularities in her Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) mid-year performance review, which also constitute retaliation.

EQ v. IFC (Preliminary Objection)
Number: 584Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant challenges the reassignment of two projects from her work program for Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16); her FY16 Performance Evaluation; her performance cycle for Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17); and the IFC’s alleged mismanagement of her career.

Bhadra v. IBRD
Number: 583Date: Judgment/OrderSummary

The Applicant is contesting, among others, his supervisor’s decision of 19 April 2017 not to extend his fixed-term appointment beyond its expiration date.